
Legend in the Mist RPG

Created by Amít Moshe / Son of Oak Game Studio

A rustic fantasy tabletop RPG based on the acclaimed City of Mist. Spin a tale of journey and peril where choices transform gameplay.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Actual Play & Q&A Livestream Starts in One Hour!
7 months ago – Fri, Feb 09, 2024 at 09:11:07 AM

Hi companions,

This is a quick reminder that our 1pm EST livestream is starting in less than one hour!

You can watch it here, on the main Kickstarter page, or on YouTube. If you can't make it, you'll be able to watch it in the same places later, but if you can, join us for some questions and answers as well as a demo of the game!

  • Introduction to the Setting (~15min)
  • Actual Play (~1hr) - The Pond In The Tower scene
  • General Q&A (~1hr)

See you there!

- The Son of Oak team

The Livestream, the Map, and How YOU Can Help
7 months ago – Thu, Feb 08, 2024 at 02:24:46 PM

Hi there companions,

We have some exciting items for you today. Pack up some apples for the journey!

More Unlocked Stretch Goals!

  • Double the number of Character Folios!!! The Character Folio set will be increased from 8 to a whopping 16 pregen characters, each an individual from the Dales or beyond with unique themes, motivations, abilities, and play style. (Everyone who is getting the Character Folio in the Ravenhome Set, Collector Set or as an Add-On will get this, there's no need to add anything.)
  • New Faction! The Hearts of Ravensdale Setting Book will included expanded information about the Burnt Branch, a faction of the Children of Twilight (to which Sorrowbalm from the Tinderbox demo belongs), who dwell in the Aldenwood, southwest of the Dales.
  • Soundtrack! Ten (10) loopable tracks of beautiful, forlorn, and thrilling fantasy RPG music by Ian from Tabletop RPG Music, who also composed the Kickstarter video theme song.

The next goal is Solo mode and 1-on-1  (or Duo) mode!

Livestream Tomorrow 1pm EST

Creator Amit Moshe, Lead Artist Daniel Pinal, MC Kevin Carpenter, and friends will all be going live tomorrow at 1pm EST

Watch it here:

You've told us what you'd like for the livestream, so following popular demand, we will cover these aspects:

  • Introduction to the Setting (~15min)
  • Actual Play (~1hr) - The Pond In The Tower scene
  • General Q&A (~1hr)

Our next livestream, on Tuesday Feb 13th, 2pm EST, will revolve around the other subjects you requested, namely a system Q&A and Character Creation and Evolution. All livestreams will be recorded and added to the campaign page, so you can rewatch and share.

The Painted Map of The Dales!

You can now start delving into the different regions of the Dales! We received this update to the gorgeous map by artist L'Arpenteur ("Strider"). It's not the final final version, but it's close, and it gives some insights into the Dales' internal geography as well as where other locations are positioned in relations to the Dales. Click to enlarge, and tell us what you think in the comments:


Excited?! Here's How You Can Spread The Word

We're so excited about your enthusiastic response to Legend In The Mist, and we want more people to hear about this setting, art style, and unique system!

 If you're excited about this campaign too and want to help get it in front of more eyes, here is what you can do:

1. Pick any amazing LitM  media to share. 

Art: We think art speaks volumes, so we suggest sharing one of these top eye-grabbing images, the above map, or any one of the included alternatives. Click the link to download.

Demo: For communities that value free games or game samples, the Tinderbox Demo is a great way to go:

News: Love industry news? Here are two articles about Legend In The Mist by two major news outlets that you can share:

2. Choose a place where a lot of gamers could see this. 

or any place where gamers congregate!

3. Post the image or demo link as is. No sweat.

No need for lengthy explanations if you don't feel inspired. It only takes a moment. Some groups don't allow Kickstarter promotion for good reasons, so make sure you share something that is valuable to the group like art or a free game (the demo).

You don't have to share the Kickstarter link - if people are intrigued by Legend In The Mist, they'll find it. Also, please don't spam - if someone already shared this image, share something else, or try another group.

THANK YOU for helping us get the word out there! If everyone who reads this update will share one piece of art in one place, we'll probably get through a few more stretch goals very soon!

See you all on the live stream tomorrow!

- The Son of Oak team

Do All Great Stories Start Off So Exciting??
7 months ago – Tue, Feb 06, 2024 at 05:08:40 PM

Hi there companions,

Well, what can we say except WOW! 

You've blown us away with your unequivocal HELL YEAH reaction to this campaign. We are so excited that not only will Legend In the Mist be funded, it will be bigger and better and with more accessories thanks to the incredible love you've shown! In ten hours we have crossed $300,000 and blown through many stretch goals, including:

  • River Pebble Dice: A set of eight (8) River Pebble Dice will be added to all Ravenhome Slipcase Sets (included also in the Thaumaturge Collector pledge level). They are now also available as an add-on!
  • New Faction: The Hearts of Ravensdale Setting Book will introduce the Cold-Hearted cult of spies and assassins hailing from Stormhelm, northeast of the Dales.
  • New Adventure: In addition to the existing three adventures, the Setting Book will include a fourth adventure in the Craggen Highlands, just west of the Dales.
  • Scene Maps & Tokens: A set of five (5) scene maps as well as 20 tokens from the Starter Adventure will be added to all Ravenhome Slipcase Sets (included also in the Thaumaturge Collector pledge level).
  • Expanded Survival & Bestiary: The Legend In The Mist Core Book will contain an expanded section on wilderness Challenges for your journey, including lands to traverse and beasts to content with -- or tame!

And more coming! For the next stretch goal, we'll double the number of Character Folios in the Character Folio set from 8 to a whopping 16 pregen characters! If you've pledged for Ravenhome Set or the Collector Set, of if you've picked up the Character Folios as an add-on, you're in for a treat!

Those who have played City of Mist before probably know and love these character sheets, and will enjoy them in Legend In The Mist. Take a look at the Tinderbox Demo if you haven't yet for some examples.

The Sun Is Setting On The First Day Reward!

We're almost halfway through the first day, which means the time is running out for enjoying the two free acorn-shaped dice you'll be getting if you back during the first 24hrs!

Tomorrow morning, 10am EST, the first day reward ends, so if you're considering backing this, you better get in on it soon!

What's Next?

We want to hear from you! We have a lot of questions for you, so get ready for a series of polls on the Kickstarter page comments. Let us know your thoughts about what you'd like to see in the upcoming livestream (see below) or which sample character is your favorite. If you have any questions - shoot them over in a comment!

Also, on Friday Feb 9th at 12pm PST/ 3pm EST, we will run a livestream with creator Amit Moshe, artist Daniel Pinal, MC Kevin Carpenter, and producer Erina Liddle who will talk all things Legend In The Mist and answer all your questions. We will share more about this later, but put on your calendar and come hang out with us!

Until then, stoke the campfire and warm up the stew!

-The Son of Oak team

The Journey Begins!
7 months ago – Tue, Feb 06, 2024 at 07:30:11 AM

Welcome companions!

Legend in the Mist is live -- and funded!!

Son of Oak is proud to present Legend in the Mist, our exciting new Rustic Fantasy RPG! This Kickstarter ALREADY FUNDED (thanks to you backers!) the creation of two books – the Legend in the Mist Core Book and the Hearts of Ravensdale Setting Book – as well as a range of accessories such as premade character folios, a Master of Ceremonies (GM) screen, cards, dice, maps, and more.

Spin a fireside tale of unlikely villagers setting out on a quest into a greater unknown world, rife with peril and mystery, in the vein of The Lord of the Rings, The Wheel of Time, Princess Mononoke, and many other classic fantasy stories, or create your own legendary realms with the game’s open-ended system!

Day One Backers Reward

As a token of our appreciation for backing us on day one, we will gift a pair of ACORN D6 (SIX-SIDED) DICE to all backers pledging for a physical tier in the first 24 hours of the campaign (before 10am EST, Feb. 7th).

Learn more about Legend in the Mist RPG

To help you get to know more about Legend in the Mist and how it plays we’ve created the Tinderbox Demo, a Quick Start PDF with rules and a short demo scenario that you can run as well as a set of three sample (pregen) characters.

Download the Tinderbox Demo

Also check out Kevin’s In-Action video that showcases Legend in the Mist’s simple and creative game flow:

Funding and Beyond

We will now set our aims to some amazing Stretch Goals, hopefully unlocking new accessories, adventures, more formidable Challenges, and other perks along the way.

Our first stretch goal for River Pebble Dice is set at $100K. If we reach that goal, we’ll add eight (8) of these beautiful multi-colored dice to all backers who backed for the RAVENHOME SLIPCASE SET or the THAUMATURGE COLLECTOR SET pledge levels.

The River Pebble Dice will then also be offered as an add-on for all pledge levels.

AMA with Amit Moshe on Reddit – Today at 1pm (EST)

Come and ask Amit, the creator of City of Mist and Legend in the Mist, anything about this campaign, other Son of Oak projects, or about life’s biggest questions over on Reddit at 1pm (EST).

Go to r/RPG on Reddit

Livestream on Friday

Join Amit and Kevin for a livestream this Friday (exact time TBA), where they’ll talk about this campaign, some game lore, the new game engine, and what Legend in the Mist has in store for you to make your narrative fantasy game as awesome as it can be.

We’re immensely excited to start this rustic adventure with you all! So grab your satchel and pack your gear for the long journey ahead as we set off with you from the thatched roof huts we call home and venture into the unknown lands beyond! 

Away! Let’s go!!

- The Son of Oak team