
Legend in the Mist RPG

Created by Amít Moshe / Son of Oak Game Studio

A rustic fantasy tabletop RPG based on the acclaimed City of Mist. Spin a tale of journey and peril where choices transform gameplay.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

THANK YOU! What a journey!!
6 months ago – Thu, Mar 07, 2024 at 07:02:08 PM


What a journey this has been!! We're immensely proud and are grateful beyond belief that you decided to join and support us on this incredible journey of a Kickstarter campaign - together we made Legend in the Mist become a reality!

Thanks to all you wonderful backers we didn't just fund this campaign, but were able to unlock many stretch goals far beyond what we thought we'd be able to reach:

  • Both the Core Book and the Setting Book have been expanded with extra content, such as a Survival and Bestiary sections, sample magic systems, new factions, and more adventures.
  • Legend in the Mist will support Solo and Duo modes, which could also be used for running a GMless game.
  • More accessories were unlocked and added to the Ravenshome and Collector pledge levels: River Pebble Dice, Scene Maps & Tokens, Theme Cards, and -- just in the nick of time -- the Action Grimoire booklet! Moreover, the Character Pack was doubled from 8 folios to 16.
  • Community support for Legend in the Mist was expanded to include Roll20 and Foundry VTT, in addition to the Enhanced Edition and content universe on Alchemy VTT. Plus, our very own Kevin will create a dedicated How-To-Play series for the game.
  • A 10-track Rustic Fantasy soundtrack will be created by Ian from Tabletop RPG Music to accompany gameplay.

What's Next?

Pledge Manager

If all goes according to plan, we will unlock the backer survey, AKA pledge manager, on BackerKit on the first week of April 2024. You'll be able to input your address and pay for shipping and any applicable taxes. You will also be able to upgrade your pledge and add any add-ons you might be interested in.

Stretch Goals Continued on Pledge Manager 

We are extending all remaining stretch goals to the pledge manager, with the exception of the Twilight Deck, which instead will be available as an add-on right off the bat! So if we raise another $50K on BackerKit, we'll unlock the Campaign stretch goal, and if we raise yet another $50K, we'll also unlock the Community Dev Pack stretch goal.

Fulfillment of Other Son of Oak Games

We will then fulfill any available add-ons from other Son of Oak games in digital format (April-May 2024), followed by physical format (June-July 2024). This includes all City of Mist and :Otherscape items you added to your pledges.


After wrapping up other projects within the next month or so, our writing team will begin working on both books of Legend in the Mist. Meanwhile, our production team will work on creating more art for the book together with lead artist Daniel Pinal, and start fleshing out all requirements for the accessories and other stretch goals.

We will send current updates as we go, and try to share as much as we can as early as we can, including previews, playtests, and dev updates. If you haven't done so yet, please join our Discord to connect with the Legend In The Mist community, take part in playtests, find fellow players, and more.


When the digital game is ready (currently estimated March 2025), we will share it with you and then go to print, followed by shipping your packages to you (currently estimated June 2025) with all their beautiful components.

Keep your ears to the ground - wonderful things are coming!!

Final Thanks

In addition to you, our backers and companions on this journey, we want to thank everyone who worked hard on this campaign in the incredible Son of Oak team -- what a fellowship to be a part of! -- as well as all of our collaborators and partners who helped bring this game to a greater audience.

The first part of the journey is at an end; we've finally reached the edge of the Dales. A greater world is now laid before us, and away we go, step after step on the dusty path.

It's so good to have you here with us on the trail!

-The Son of Oak team

Final 36 hours and our Backpack theme is full of goodies!
6 months ago – Wed, Mar 06, 2024 at 11:32:03 AM

Hi there companions,

Our journey is almost at an end! 

Emerging from the woodlands at the break of dawn, we climbed the grassy knoll upon whose top a solitary standing stone jutted out against the stormy sky. Here we will make our final stand, as Creatures of Twilight from beyond the Dales draw nearer and nearer, skulking in the morning fog, eager to sunder the last remnant of Oldways providence protecting our homes...

Are you ready?

Less Than 36 Hours Remain!

We are rapidly advancing towards the end of the campaign, and it has been a glorious one, thanks to you, backers! If you haven't done so yet, reach our to your friends and communities and let them know now is the time to join the journey for the Ravensdale!

Stretch Goals Update

Theme Cards!

Since our last update we have unlocked the Theme Cards stretch goals, meaning all Ravenhome and Collector tier backers get a deck of 40 rewritable theme cards included in their pledge. You can also grab the Theme Cards as an Add-On by updating your pledge, if you want extras or if you are in any of the other tiers.

This means that in addition to all the content stretch goals for the Legend In The Mist Core Book and the Hearts of Ravensdale Setting Book, as well as the soundtrack and the video guides, when you back at Ravenhome or Collector tiers you get the following items at no additional cost, a bundle which is exclusive to Kickstarter!

  • River Pebble dice
  • Scene maps & tokens
  • Double the pregen character folios (16 instead of 8)
  • Deck of 40 rewritable Theme Cards

And there are more additions to the bundle we could unlock -- read on!

So many unlocked physical stretch goals for the Ravenhome and Collector tiers!

New Magic Systems!

We also just unlocked New Magic Systems!!! On top of the guides on how to create your own magic system in the Core Book, we will provide 8 ready-to-play magic systems, such as alchemy, witchcraft, necromancy, runic magic, ritualistic magic, or even a Vancian magic system to replace D&D's magic.

However, you've proposed so many incredible ideas in the comments section, that it's hard to pick! So we're going to also add to the Core Book a library of magic system components, such as specific types of limitations, ingredients, power sources, casting features and so on that you can quickly put together into any system you like. This works with our usual methodology of offering custom, rapid, and ready-made options in all creation chapters (character, crew, villains, etc.). We're thrilled about this one!

Next Up: Virtual Tabletop Thaumaturgy!

More VTT Support!

Our next goal is More VTT Support and we have some fantastic news on this. With this goal, both Roll20 and Foundry will get support for Legend In The Mist RPG. If we reach this goal, we will develop the core game functionality on each platform, along with the Core Book content. All backers at Digital and above will get free keys to this core VTT content on both Roll20 and Foundry!

Preview the Foundry Module by Filip Ambrosius!

Check out the demo version of the Foundry module for Legend In The Mist RPG, developed by Filip Ambrosius, who will also develop the complete core module should we reach the stretch goal. It's just beautiful! You can go ahead and play the Tinderbox Demo game on Foundry right now, using this link:

This is a low-res GIF, click it to view the full quality video!

Enhanced Edition for Alchemy RPG Announced!

As if that wasn't enough excitement, Alchemy RPG VTT is announcing an Enhanced Edition for Legend In The Mist! Enhanced Edition games come included with gorgeous animated scenes and dynamic background music tailored for the setting, as well as many other experience-enhancing features. All pledges of Digital and above already include all of the Legend In The Mist content universe; now it will have built-in Enhanced-level immersion as well!

Preview of one of the scenes in the City of Mist Enhanced Edition with animated rain overlay, stylized menus, and ambient rain + dynamic three-dimensional music: investigation, action, mood. Imagine the Legend In The Mist version!

More Stretch Goals Revealed

We have also rolled out all the stretch goals that can still be unlocked on this Kickstarter, if we go beyond $800K for the VTT content. These include:

  • $850K Action Grimoire Booklet: A reference booklet full of fantasy-themed action suggestions for the Legend In The Mist open-ended system, with suggested tags, Effects, and Consequences. Grab it at the table to get inspiration for creative actions in combat, exploration, crafting, sorcery, social drama, mercantile pursuits, rougish misdeeds, and more. The printed booklet will be added to the Ravenhome Slipcase and Thaumaturge Collector pledge levels.
  • $900K Campaign: Book I: Wake of the Oldways: The setting book will include a sixth adventure, and all adventures will be united in a campaign taking place in and around the Dales, with the companions following the remnants of the Oldways to uncover what is behind the dark forces invading the Dales...
  • $950K Community Marketplace Dev Pack: An extensive support package, with graphic design templates and extra art, for community creators who want to publish your own content for Legend In The Mist RPG on our City of Mist "Garage" program. Share or sell your characters, theme kits, magic systems, lore, adventures, and more!
  • $1M The Twilight Deck: A deck of forty (40) Challenge cards will be added to all Ravenhome Slipcase and Thaumaturge Collector pledge levels. Each card has art, lore, and the Challenge profile of a different Creature of Twilight prowling the Dales' villages, forests, rivers, marshes, and hilltops!
The Action Grimoire and the Twilight Deck

Last Chance to Play Legend In The Mist!

The StartPlaying.Games Legend In The Mist RPG Demo Week is still ongoing! You can hop on to any of these online games and even get a $10 gift code from us if you're new to StartPlaying platform!

Don't miss your chance to experience the Legend In The Mist RPG Tinderbox Demo Game with a professional GM before the end of the campaign!

Kickstarter Finale Livestream, tomorrow at 4pm EST!

Join game creator Amit Moshe, MC Kevin Carpenter, and friends tomorrow at 4pm EST as we review the campaign and all the incredible things we have in store for Legend In The Mist RPG. We will also answer your questions about the project and the future, and celebrate this new journey with you!


That's it for this update but stay tuned for more announcements in this last stretch of the campaign!

- The Son of Oak team

Livestream #3 in under two hours - vote for Challenges!
7 months ago – Thu, Feb 29, 2024 at 08:21:21 AM

Hi there Companions!

This journey with you has been so wonderful and we have so much more to show you! We're ecstatic that we will be able to create a much expanded Legend In The Mist RPG and the Hearts of Ravensdale setting, and bring new experiences of free-flowing and creative rustic roleplaying to your table!

Demo Week begins today!

Starting today and throughout the rest of the campaign, we will be running the Demo Week event with StartPlaying.Games, which we announced on our last update. If you want to play Legend In The Mist, this is your chance!
Visit the games list to choose and join a LitM demo game hosted by a professional GM, and, if you're new to StartPlaying.Games, follow this link to get a free $10 gift, which (depending on the price of game you choose) could mean your game will be free!

Next Goal: Theme Cards

We are now making our way towards the $700K mark, where the Themes Cards will be added to all Ravenhome and Collector pledge levels, further boosting the value of these bundles, which are only available on Kickstarter! These cards, which are a portable and swappable alternatives to a character sheet, will also be available to all other tiers as an add-on.

Challenge-Building Stream Starts in less than 2 hrs! 

Are you ready for a Challenge? Join us today at 1pm EST as game creator Amit Moshe and MC Kevin Carpenter use simple Threats, Consequences, and Limits to create any imaginable Challenge your companions might face during the game! 
We will create one mundane Challenge, one Twilight Challenge, and one traversable land Challenge (many of which will be covered in the Core Book, thanks to the Bestiary and Survival stretch goal we unlocked!). 
We will also be answering any questions you might have about Challenge mechanics and Legend In The Mist in general. It was great getting to know you in the previous livestreams -- don't miss out on this one!

Vote For The Challenges We Will Make!

We asked you to suggest Challenges ideas and you've come up with some great ones! We won't be able to cover all of them, however, so we shortlisted the list below. Pick one mundane, one Twilgiht, and one land Challenge -- and go over to the Kickstarter main page to vote on it!
See you soon!
-The Son of Oak team 

Mundane Challenges

  • Jousting Competition - suggested by Thijs van der Velden
    Without any organized kingdoms to go to war, calvary has become little more than a novelty, and jousting has been elevated to high entertainment or a way to solve an argument amicably. It's not uncommon for “knights'' to stage jousting competitions, donning old armor and crossing prop lances. Whether to gain a noble’s favor or to get their attention, can the companions come out triumphant?
  • Granny Scrimshaw - suggested by Justin Wyatt
    Every village has its busybody, that old crone who knows any and everybody’s business. This one has everyone from the smallest child to the Alderman wrapped around her finger. Everyone seems to be constantly running her errands, and even though you only stopped by to sleep in the inn, you're now spending your day fixing her fence! Somehow, she knows your most terrifying or embarrassing secrets…
  • "Stop, Thief!" - suggested by Nixon
    When you visit the Brookside neighborhood in Barleytown, you better hold on to your moneybag, or your cart reins, for that matter. The Red Marshals don’t bother with these young cutpurses, who are running around town swiping people’s belongings right off their belts. It’s up to you to catch the little brats yourself, but good luck doing so through muddy streets and rickety shacks.

Twilight Challenges

  • Oathbound Specter - suggested by Nixon
    Standing in front of an ancient crypt is a flickering specter with a knight’s bearing. Clad head to toe in plate armor from a bygone age, they guard their post unmoving, denying all entry to the crypt. Bound by Thaumaturgical oaths, they refuse to admit any living soul. They are open to conversation, but trying their patience is unwise: while their body may be wispy and ethereal, the rusted greatsword they hold is very real, and they swing it like it was made of paper. 
  • Ol’ Gnarlfoot - suggested by Adem K. Boeckmann
    For as long as anyone can remember, Creatures of Twilight have stayed away from the Dales, especially where Dalespeople are present. Recently, however, a lumbering ogre of immense size has moved south from the Dolmen Knolls, and he’s pestering the few homesteaders north of Barleytown to feed him sheep – or be eaten alive. They dare not defy him because his arms are like logs, or rather they are logs: they’re made of hard-to-chop greenwood, and one farmer swore he saw them growing.
  • The Twilight Biscuit Party - suggested by Peppa44
    One of the many elders’ tales in the Dales is of a teatime party one can only encounter when traveling on their own near the Aldenwood. A giant toad, hare, and raven will block your path, sitting around a table cluttered with tea and light snacks, eating and chatting with the most refined manners you have ever seen. As the story goes, attempting to rudely ask them to leave will only cause them to ignore you, and those who go around strangely come upon them again and again. Instead, one must politely intrude and join them, and offer an exciting tale of one’s travels. If they are impressed, then a handsome reward could be won.

Land Challenges 

  • Shroom Cistern - suggested by Thijs van der Velden
    This dank cavern was found beneath a village, a natural cavern formed by an underground river. Peculiar mushrooms grow in this cave that cause strange visions of the past and present to enter the minds of visitors unbidden. Rumor has it that in the deep of night, strange visitors flock to this cave, performing rites forbidden. To find out, however, you must first venture inside…
  • The Everfoul - suggested by Wiganer36
    On the border between the forest and the marshes is a stinking pit of decaying logs and vines. Named the Everfoul by locals for its noxious stench, travelers to the region often brave the smell, not realizing what appears to be solid soil under their feet can quickly give way to a loose mud that refuses to let one go. Their bodies soon join all the other festering things of the wood, sinking deeper and deeper into the bog over years, and making the smell grow even worse. And now your path takes you right through it.
  • Highland Falls - suggested by Peppa45
    As you set out to cross the rugged Craggen Highlands, narrow ledges and old bridges form a path between the mountain peaks and cascading falls, with only frail, windswept trees below to catch your fall if you slip. Giant birds of prey watch from the skies, eager to dive down and grab anything that looks like easy prey. Yet despite all the danger, the natural beauty is unmatched, and the locals consider it a rite of passage to traverse the cliffs and live to tell the tale.



You're Invited to Join An Online Game of Legend In The Mist RPG!
7 months ago – Fri, Feb 23, 2024 at 05:06:55 PM

WIP Artwork by Daniel Pinal of the Twilight Peregrine, a winged monster prowling the Wanderlands

Hello there companions!

Boy-oh-boy do we have some exciting things to share!

Having passed the halfway mark of our Kickstarter campaign, it's a good time to gather for a around the fire and contemplate all that we've accomplished on the journey so far, and all that is still waiting to be explored on the journey ahead!

Play Legend In The Mist Online, For Free!

We have partnered with StartPlaying.Games to bring you an incredible Demo Week of Legend In The Mist games run by professional GMs, from Feb 29th through March 7th, when this campaign ends!

There are over a 100 LitM games already waiting for you to just pick from, join, and play! If you didn't play through the Tinderbox Demo yet, this is your chance. Find a game here:

StartPlaying.Games hosts paid games BUT if you follow this link, you'll get a $10 gift, enough to get you a seat at one of these professionally-run games:

Hurry up though, as seats are limited!

Challenge Building Livestream Next Thu 1pm EST!

Following the great time we had with you all on the actual play livestream and our character creation livestream, we will meet again for a third livestream on Thursday 2/29 at 1pm EST, this time to make Challenges together!

On this livestream, game creator Amit Moshe and MC Kevin Carpenter will create at least one mundane Challenge, one Creature of Twilight, and one land to traverse -- showcasing how you can make your own Challenges for Legend In The Mist, in advance or on the fly, as you play.

Mark the date and then head on to the comments tab, where we will be taking your ideas for the mundane, Twilight, and land Challenges that we will be making on the stream!

Everything Unlocked So Far

If we reach $700K, all Ravenhome and Thaumatruge pledge levels will get a set of rewritable Theme Cards!

As the campaign approaches the $640K mark (!!! -- thank you backers!), it's worth taking stock of all the Stretch Goals we unlocked and what it means for your pledges:

  • The Ravenhome and Thaumaturge pledge levels now include River Pebble Dice and Scene Maps & Tokens. If we make it to $700, they will also have a deck of rewritable Theme Cards! And that's not nearly the end of what we have planned for physical reward upgrades...
  • The Core book will have Expanded Survival & Bestiary as well as Solo and Duo modes
  • The Setting Book will include two more factions (Cold-Hearted and Burnt Branch) as well as another adventure (Craggen Highlands), with yet another adventure just around the corner at $650K (Shrine of the Lady)!
  • The Character Folio pack will include not 8 but 16 pregen characters, with Gorna & Tufffles, Kinsi, and Gaella of the Blade likely among them!
  • MC Kevin will create video guides to usher your players into the game and Ian from Tabletop RPG Music will create a soundtrack for the game!


We're extremely grateful to you backers for helping make this game all it can be. We have a lot more in store for you, so stay tuned!

-Amit and the Son of Oak team

New Stretch Goals + Livestream #2 in 3 hours!
7 months ago – Tue, Feb 13, 2024 at 08:05:26 AM

Hi companions!

Our journey continues today, with so many exciting discoveries!

New Stretch Goals!

You've been amazing at suggesting the things you'd like to see next in the stretch goals, and we've picked up on your cues. The Stretch Goals journey map has been updated on the campaign page with the following new goals:

  • $600K MC Kevin's Video Guides: MC Kevin Carpenter will create a dedicated How-To-Play series for Legend In The Mist that you can share with your players for an instant video tutorial of the game and character creation. Ask any City of Mist player or MC on how invaluable these have been to them, or mosey on to our YouTube channel to see for yourself!
  • $650K New Adventure: In addition to the existing three adventures and the fourth unlocked adventure, the Setting Book will include a fifth adventure, focused on The Shrine of the Lady, a hidden location in the wild parts of the Dales, that was the former center of worship for practitioners of the Oldways. Has the once-benevolent shrine been corrupted, or is it simply guarding its secrets?
  • $700K Theme Cards: A deck of forty (40) rewritable theme cards will be added to all Ravenhome Slipcase and Thaumaturge Collector pledge levels. These cards replace your character sheet and can be physically swapped for new theme cards when your character replaces a theme. This accessory is so popular for City of Mist that it often sells out before it arrives!

More Stretch Goals are coming, including expanded VTT support and Challenge cards!

Starting In 3 Hours: Character Creation & System Livestream! 

As promised, game creator Amit Moshe and MC Kevin Carpenter will go live today, February 13th, at 2pm EST, to explore more deeply how characters are built and created in Legend In The Mist, as well as answer your questions about the game system itself. Watch us here on the update page or on the Campaign page, or click the video to watch us on YouTube.

Vote on a Character!

In preparation of the stream, we wrote three character pitches that we could work on during the stream, and that could end up as one of the 16 characters in the Character Folio pack. Check them out and then head on the main campaign Comments tab to vote on which one you MOST want us to build today!

  • Gaella of the Blade: Hailing from the clans of the Craggen Highlands, Gaella is a fierce wandering sellsword who no longer has a home. On a quest to regain her lost memories, she made a deal with a stranger by the Witchwood who gifted her with a bewitched blade and named four twisted beasts she must slay. The stranger promised to help restore her past in return to the trophies taken from vanquished monsters. Gaella now roams the Wanderlands, seeking to hone her skills battling Creatures of Twilight and hunting for her wretched quarry.
  • Gorna and Truffles: Gorna is an aspiring chef with an appetite for adventure, wandering the Dales in search of the best recipes and ingredients. Accompanying him for the ride is the giant boar Truffles, who carries their stockpile of ingredients and cooking supplies and also protects Gorna from danger. Together these two gourmands are on a quest to cook every dish in the Dales, and share good food with everyone they meet on the way.
  • Kinsi: To the people of the Dales, Kinsi is an eccentric peddler who travels from town to town seeking strange trinkets to fill their sack of curios. Unbeknownst to the Dalespeople, Kinsi is a Child of Twilight from the Burning Branch sent to collect relics and investigate the extent to which wicked forces have corrupted the pastoral Dales. Cheerful and relatable, Kinsi has made friends in every village as a curious collector of all things rare and mysterious. But behind their gleeful persona still hides a sidereal being who could reveal themselves in all their might, if and when it comes to that.

Excited? So are we. Make sure to vote for your favorite in the comments and see you soon on the livestream!

- The Son of Oak team